Ice Bucket Challenge mum praises ALS 'breakthrough'

The woman who is credited with starting the Ice Bucket Challenge said she hopes a scientific breakthrough in research into the disease will lead to a cure.

The ALS Association has said that the campaign, which went viral in 2014, has funded an important scientific gene discovery in the progressive neurodegenerative disease.

Nancy Frates, whose son Pete was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), known as Motor Neurone Disease in the UK, told BBC 5 live: "We are hoping that it leads to the treatment and the cure, and it will, but it's going to take donations to get us there."

Nancy also defended the campaign against critics who said it was just a "publicity stunt", telling Afternoon Edition that anyone who thought that should "come and live in my house for one day" to see the "horrific" reality of living with the disease.

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